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/Tag: sweets

Chocolate Banana Quinoa Muffins

Chocolate Banana Quinoa Muffins Yes I know, maybe it sounds weird, but I put quinoa in a muffin… in a chocolate muffin. Actually, this is a whole new taste & texture experience for me. And I loved it! These cute muffins are so good. Moist, soft, perfectly sweet, chocolatey, chewy in the middle and crunchy [...]

By |2018-09-08T19:38:13+00:00September 8th, 2018|Desserts, Side Dish|Comments Off on Chocolate Banana Quinoa Muffins

5 Smart Food Substitutions To Make Healthy Eating Easier

5 Smart Food Substitutions To Make Healthy Eating Easier Eating healthier is on a lot of people’s New Year’s resolutions list. And we applaud that! Healthier food options aren’t that hard to come by, but actually choosing the best option comes down to your readiness for change—and not biting off too much at a time. Many people [...]

By |2018-07-09T03:57:38+00:00July 9th, 2018|Meal Prep|Comments Off on 5 Smart Food Substitutions To Make Healthy Eating Easier